Frequently Asked Questions
or calling 01225 864999
Check your customer account. Do this by logging into our site using your email and customer code; click ‘view’ and you will see your order status.
If your order has been dispatched and you have paid for tracking, use the tracking reference indicated in your account by checking with Royal Mails track and trace facility, your item may be waiting to be collected from a sorting office.
If you have not requested tracking and your order has been dispatched and has not arrived please contact us to assist you further. Royal Mail state 1-4 days for 1st class post, so please allow this time before calling; after that we will assist you in every way we can. Lost items will only be replaced after a period of 28 days.
**Next Day Special Delivery can be purchased and applied, please call 01225 864999 to use this service, for orders placed before 2pm that day.
Delivery to PO Box numbers is not recommended FMG will not accept any responsibility for loss in these circumstances.
Defective items can also be returned in the original packaging within 7 days and will be replaced like for like free of charge.
If you are sent the incorrect item please return unused in the original packaging within 7 days and your correct item will be sent to you
In all cases it is advisable to contact us via email or telephone prior to returning.
All shipping charges are calculated at the checkout.